I think that some cultural sensitivity needs to be practiced by the reporters and editor of the Times Colonist. When I picked up the edition of Wednesday Oct 26 the first thing that I saw was the Caption of “Native Housing in for an Overhaul”. Then right below it I saw “Cridge park campers await decision”. If I had not continued to read the article on the Native Housing issues and then the tent city in Cridge Park I could have easily mistaken the Cridge park issue and how it related to the front page’s main headline about native housing which has suffered severely for many years due to the restraints of all of our governments.
Having both of these vital issues put on the front page introduces a juxtaposition of how our federal government is proposing to change the housing situation for thousands of First Nations through out Canada and how our provincial and municipal government is failing to provide the most basic needs for our homeless population.
First Nations people don’t need any more negativity images about our social problems because the transformation between race and class is far to short and to easily exploited by many people, who have good intentions, to use as an excuse to benefit from some of the most marginalized people in our community.
I hope the media takes some heed to my recommendation and takes some actions on what they put on their main page.
Rose Henry
Thank you for educating me Rose. I have so much to learn! I love to learn & grow. I certainly support the need for the media to present aboriginal people in a very positive light--& there is a lot of light to learn from. i am very thankful to all the beautiful creative hard-working First Nations people that i have met here in Victoria over the past 2 years. Their hearts are warm, even tho' i confront them with their fears, racism & classism. ie. I am feared to be a social worker who many take their children away. Some native people are racist towards me as i am white. There are class & elitism issues with each & every person we meet. Sad to say.
We are doing our best to change, trust & grow. Thanks Rose.
You are Fantastic!!!!!!
Love, Dawnee
Thank you for educating me Rose. I have so much to learn! I love to learn & grow. I certainly support the need for the media to present aboriginal people in a very positive light--& there is a lot of light to learn from. i am very thankful to all the beautiful creative hard-working First Nations people that i have met here in Victoria over the past 2 years. Their hearts are warm, even tho' i confront them with their fears, racism & classism. ie. I am feared to be a social worker who may take their children away. Some native people are racist towards me as i am white. There are class & elitism issues with each & every person we meet. Sad to say.
We are doing our best to change, trust & grow. Thanks Rose.
You are Fantastic!!!!!!
Love, Dawnee
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