Sunday, November 20, 2005

Thank You Victoria for Your Support Nov 20 2005

Nov 20, 2005

I would like to be able to thank everyone in person for all the hard work that they did for my campaign. It was an incredible feeling for me to see the numbers grow as they were scrolling by on the screen. The final total was 3339 (3.16 % of the vote). Once again the areas that I excelled in were Fernwood, George Jay, and Central Baptist. These areas are the unofficial areas at this point- but this is what I heard from a few people who where at the official counting stations. I will let people know when I get the results within a couple of weeks.

Now all I have left to do is to figure out how much in the red I am and how I will get the bills covered. Although it was costly I am even more determined to run again. We must keep up the fight for the generations to come. We must continue to fight for democracy, diversity and a guaranteed livable income for all.

I would like to acknowledge people like John Rooney who has been in my corner for the past two election attempts. He did an incredible job getting me to and from school, work and to candidate meetings and finically always being there when I needed a good cup of java or food for my family.
Lise Wrigley for creating my leaflets
Kym Hothead for being there when I was feeling down and out.
Jennelle and Bobby for allowing me to take over their living room space when my computer crashed at a very critical time during the campaign.
Jesse A, Reese, David and Mary Lowther, Bobby Arbess, Aloha –Al R. from HEU, everywhere Larry Wartel, Karen Ainslie, David Tatryn, Cindy L’Horendelle, Catherine Wilchuk, MJ Collins and her tribe and Don J. Southerland. These are the people who did all the leg work and leafleted over 8000 homes.
Carlos Flores who literally at the last minute created to beautiful signs for the truck.
Sol and the Mitraniketan housing co-op for the meeting space.
The dozens of other picked up and distributed leaflets in their classes.

I would like to give recognition to the other services that supported my campaign by advertising for me.

Victoria Street Newz ( advertisement)
Status Women Action Group (Soldier of women who leafleted)
Community Solidarity Coalition (Seed Money)
J&L Photocopying (leaflets)
Camosun College Imaging Centre (Posters)
Victoria READ Society (Letter of Encouragement)
Hospital Employees Union ( endorsement-Financial)
Victoria Labor Council (endorsement- no Financial)

Excercise Your Democratic Right and Get Out and Vote for the Person who Cares enough to raise your issues the office that can make changes in your community.
Get Out and Vote on Nov. 19/05 Every Municipalities throughtout BC will be electing new Communiy Representatives.
check out my blog at

1 comment:

Chris said...

Congrats on your run for office Rose.